
Showing posts from September, 2009


If Angels ruled, it would be convenient for us to have a King. By Miguel Angel Tinoco Rodriguez If you are concerned about the dangers of changing the times and the Law you must read this article. There is a fever in the world today that is wearing me out. People are trying to change the existing times and laws appointed for man to rule in their respective countries. In previous world empires the times for rulers to govern were for a life time. If the Clans of a particular family was strong their empire will last centuries or even millenniums. Perhaps it is not that different in our days. Then the times decreased and laws were made to make it into shorter and continuous presidential terms like in our days. Now I think the thirst for power is increasing again and rulers want to perpetuate themselves in power. In the American continent for instance, by the eve of the twentieth and the dawn of the twenty first centuries several countries have attempted and some have already passed laws fo

Chose The Right

CHOSE THE RIGHT AND/OR REJECT THE GREATER OF TWO EVILS By Miguel Angel Tinoco Rodriguez I like Obama and I voted for him in the primaries, but he failed to get my vote during the general elections. As a matter of fact I studied for three whole months for whom should I vote according to what was being presented. The options that I had until the very day of the elctions were not good at all. I had to reject the greater of two evils. I either voted for one tyrant or for five hundred tyrants. But on the day of the election other choices became apparent and I chose the right wich was none of the options at hand. Many would argue that I lost, however the one for whom I voted never loses, for he is God and God's don't lose. This was my predicament: God presides over the destinies of nations and Michael the Archangel is his commander in chief. Zion, November 4th 2008 Chose the right, reject the greater of two evils and stay away from unclean and gloomy things. This year is the year of