
Showing posts from October, 2009


ALL OF YOU. By Miguel Angel Tinoco Rodriguez Sion, October 29th 2009 ALL OF YOU. By Miguel Angel Tinoco Rodriguez Lou Dobbs, an important news network anchor has addressed the problem of illegal immigration at the core for many years and nobody has listened to it. According to his words and my beliefs, he may not be against immigration or any immigrant for that matter, for his wife is an immigrant also. Faces we see, but the hearts we do not know and let God alone judge upon that. But the problem that it causes society at large if left unattended. No one can deny this assertion, but the problem goes beyond Lou Dobbs good apparent intentions. We have to look at the whole forest to understand what is going on. This is what I have observed:When I say something, the thought has already been done. And I think that the Illegal immigration problem has gotten out of hand like the war on drugs and terror. Others besides the immigrants like it that way


Zion October 12th, 2009 Praise to the man. Many people in the world today are trying to further demonize Christopher Columbus and are comparing the times then and now in order to blame him and him alone for all the atrocities during the discovery and bloody colonization of America. In justice, I stand firm against the demonization of this man and manifest that he is a man even worthy of praise for having endeavored such a risky and uncertain task. Before him, only those with express command and guidance of God himself were able to undertake such a mammoth task to cross these many waters. In fact, the discoverers and colorizations did not come to America; they were expressly brought here by God to do a work for him. This man must have communed with the spirit of God in order to have come thus far. The spirit of truth now tells me that Christopher Colombus is a direct descendant of the Jew that helped to bear Chirst's cross during his crucificcion. Hence his name, also means Cross be